GUIDs are used to uniquely identify all objects and entities within ASF files. This provides a foundation for extensibility and flexibility.
A GUID uniquely identifies each ASF media object type. New media types, codec types, error correction approaches, and other innovations can be created, identified by their own GUIDs, and inserted into ASF data streams.
New ASF object types may be defined. This extensibility enables ASF to support new innovations as they arise. Note, however, that each new ASF object type needs its own unique GUID.
The following sections describe standard GUIDs that have been defined for all ASF objects and related fields within this specification. Implementations may supplement this list with additional GUIDs when necessary to identify entities, elements, or ideas that have not yet been enumerated by this section.
The following table contains the names and values of top-level ASF object GUIDs.
Name | GUID |
ASF_Header_Object | 75B22630-668E-11CF-A6D9-00AA0062CE6C |
ASF_Data_Object | 75B22636-668E-11CF-A6D9-00AA0062CE6C |
ASF_Simple_Index_Object | 33000890-E5B1-11CF-89F4-00A0C90349CB |
ASF_Index_Object | D6E229D3-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BE |
ASF_Media_Object_Index_Object | FEB103F8-12AD-4C64-840F-2A1D2F7AD48C |
ASF_Timecode_Index_Object | 3CB73FD0-0C4A-4803-953D-EDF7B6228F0C |
The following table contains the names and values of standard ASF Header Object GUIDs.
Name | GUID |
ASF_File_Properties_Object | 8CABDCA1-A947-11CF-8EE4-00C00C205365 |
ASF_Stream_Properties_Object | B7DC0791-A9B7-11CF-8EE6-00C00C205365 |
ASF_Header_Extension_Object | 5FBF03B5-A92E-11CF-8EE3-00C00C205365 |
ASF_Codec_List_Object | 86D15240-311D-11D0-A3A4-00A0C90348F6 |
ASF_Script_Command_Object | 1EFB1A30-0B62-11D0-A39B-00A0C90348F6 |
ASF_Marker_Object | F487CD01-A951-11CF-8EE6-00C00C205365 |
ASF_Bitrate_Mutual_Exclusion_Object | D6E229DC-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BE |
ASF_Error_Correction_Object | 75B22635-668E-11CF-A6D9-00AA0062CE6C |
ASF_Content_Description_Object | 75B22633-668E-11CF-A6D9-00AA0062CE6C |
ASF_Extended_Content_Description_Object | D2D0A440-E307-11D2-97F0-00A0C95EA850 |
ASF_Content_Branding_Object | 2211B3FA-BD23-11D2-B4B7-00A0C955FC6E |
ASF_Stream_Bitrate_Properties_Object | 7BF875CE-468D-11D1-8D82-006097C9A2B2 |
ASF_Content_Encryption_Object | 2211B3FB-BD23-11D2-B4B7-00A0C955FC6E |
ASF_Extended_Content_Encryption_Object | 298AE614-2622-4C17-B935-DAE07EE9289C |
ASF_Digital_Signature_Object | 2211B3FC-BD23-11D2-B4B7-00A0C955FC6E |
ASF_Padding_Object | 1806D474-CADF-4509-A4BA-9AABCB96AAE8 |
The following table contains the names and values of the GUIDs for the standard objects found inside the ASF Header Extension Object.
Name | GUID |
ASF_Extended_Stream_Properties_Object | 14E6A5CB-C672-4332-8399-A96952065B5A |
ASF_Advanced_Mutual_Exclusion_Object | A08649CF-4775-4670-8A16-6E35357566CD |
ASF_Group_Mutual_Exclusion_Object | D1465A40-5A79-4338-B71B-E36B8FD6C249 |
ASF_Stream_Prioritization_Object | D4FED15B-88D3-454F-81F0-ED5C45999E24 |
ASF_Bandwidth_Sharing_Object | A69609E6-517B-11D2-B6AF-00C04FD908E9 |
ASF_Language_List_Object | 7C4346A9-EFE0-4BFC-B229-393EDE415C85 |
ASF_Metadata_Object | C5F8CBEA-5BAF-4877-8467-AA8C44FA4CCA |
ASF_Metadata_Library_Object | 44231C94-9498-49D1-A141-1D134E457054 |
ASF_Index_Parameters_Object | D6E229DF-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BE |
ASF_Media_Object_Index_Parameters_Object | 6B203BAD-3F11-48E4-ACA8-D7613DE2CFA7 |
ASF_Timecode_Index_Parameters_Object | F55E496D-9797-4B5D-8C8B-604DFE9BFB24 |
ASF_Compatibility_Object | 75B22630-668E-11CF-A6D9-00AA0062CE6C |
ASF_Advanced_Content_Encryption_Object | 43058533-6981-49E6-9B74-AD12CB86D58C |
The following table contains the names and values of standard GUIDs for the Stream Type field of the Stream Properties Object.
Name | GUID |
ASF_Audio_Media | F8699E40-5B4D-11CF-A8FD-00805F5C442B |
ASF_Video_Media | BC19EFC0-5B4D-11CF-A8FD-00805F5C442B |
ASF_Command_Media | 59DACFC0-59E6-11D0-A3AC-00A0C90348F6 |
ASF_JFIF_Media | B61BE100-5B4E-11CF-A8FD-00805F5C442B |
ASF_Degradable_JPEG_Media | 35907DE0-E415-11CF-A917-00805F5C442B |
ASF_File_Transfer_Media | 91BD222C-F21C-497A-8B6D-5AA86BFC0185 |
ASF_Binary_Media | 3AFB65E2-47EF-40F2-AC2C-70A90D71D343 |
The following table contains the names and values of the GUIDs used in the Type-Specific Data field of the Stream Properties Object.
Name | GUID |
ASF_Web_Stream_Media_Subtype | 776257D4-C627-41CB-8F81-7AC7FF1C40CC |
ASF_Web_Stream_Format | DA1E6B13-8359-4050-B398-388E965BF00C |
The following table contains the names and values of the GUIDs for the Error Correction Type field of the Stream Properties Object as well as in the Error Correction Object.
Name | GUID |
ASF_No_Error_Correction | 20FB5700-5B55-11CF-A8FD-00805F5C442B |
ASF_Audio_Spread | BFC3CD50-618F-11CF-8BB2-00AA00B4E220 |
The following table contains the name and value of the GUID for the Reserved 1 field of the Header Extension Object.
Name | GUID |
ASF_Reserved_1 | ABD3D211-A9BA-11cf-8EE6-00C00C205365 |
The following table contains the names and values of standard GUIDs for the System ID field of the Advanced Content Encryption Object.
Name | GUID |
ASF_Content_Encryption_System_Windows_Media_DRM_Network_Devices | 7A079BB6-DAA4-4e12-A5CA-91D38DC11A8D |
10.8 Codec List Object GUIDs
The following table contains the name and value of the GUIDs for the Reserved 2 field of the Codec List Object.
Name |
ASF_Reserved_2 |
86D15241-311D-11D0-A3A4-00A0C90348F6 |
10.9 Script Command Object GUIDs
The following table contains the name and value of the GUIDs for the Reserved 3 field of the Script Command Object.
Name |
ASF_Reserved_3 |
4B1ACBE3-100B-11D0-A39B-00A0C90348F6 |
10.10 Marker Object GUIDs
The following table contains the name and value of the GUIDs for the Reserved 4 field of the Marker Object.
Name |
ASF_Reserved_4 |
4CFEDB20-75F6-11CF-9C0F-00A0C90349CB |
10.11 Mutual Exclusion Object Exclusion Type GUIDs
The following table contains the names and values of the GUIDs for the Exclusion Type field of the Mutual Exclusion Object:
Name |
ASF_Mutex_Language |
D6E22A00-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BE |
ASF_Mutex_Bitrate |
D6E22A01-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BE |
ASF_Mutex_Unknown |
D6E22A02-35DA-11D1-9034-00A0C90349BE |
10.12 Bandwidth Sharing Object GUIDs
The following table contains the names and values of the GUIDs for the Sharing Type field of the Bandwidth Sharing Object.
Name |
ASF_Bandwidth_Sharing_Exclusive |
AF6060AA-5197-11D2-B6AF-00C04FD908E9 |
ASF_Bandwidth_Sharing_Partial |
AF6060AB-5197-11D2-B6AF-00C04FD908E9 |
10.13 Standard Payload Extension System GUIDs
The following table contains the names and values of the GUIDs for the standard Payload Extension Systems.
Name |
ASF_Payload_Extension_System_Timecode |
399595EC-8667-4E2D-8FDB-98814CE76C1E |
ASF_Payload_Extension_System_File_Name |
E165EC0E-19ED-45D7-B4A7-25CBD1E28E9B |
ASF_Payload_Extension_System_Content_Type |
D590DC20-07BC-436C-9CF7-F3BBFBF1A4DC |
ASF_Payload_Extension_System_Pixel_Aspect_Ratio |
1B1EE554-F9EA-4BC8-821A-376B74E4C4B8 |
ASF_Payload_Extension_System_Sample_Duration |
C6BD9450-867F-4907-83A3-C77921B733AD |
ASF_Payload_Extension_System_Encryption_Sample_ID |
6698B84E-0AFA-4330-AEB2-1C0A98D7A44D |